Living the NYC Lifestyle: Tess Christine Net Worth Breakdown

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Living the NYC Lifestyle: Tess Christine Net Worth Breakdown

By Editorial Staff

Meet Tess Christine

Tess Christine is a 29-year-old American Youtuber and Entrepreneur from Wisconsin who has amassed a massive following.  Her content consists of makeup, hair, fashion styling, and lifestyle videos solidifying her place as a beauty and fashion guru. She stays up to date on the latest trends while still keeping her style relaxed and casual. She has garnered hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram and over a  million subscribers and has amassed over 207 million views since starting her YouTube channel in March of 2011 all contributing to Tess Christine’s net worth. Here is a breakdown of Tess Christine’s exact follower count she has on each social media platform.

PlatformFollower Count

 Tess also travels a lot and excels in sharing tips on how to make the most out of your adventures. She now lives in New York with her photographer husband, Patrick Raitor, where her subscribers consistently say have a strong resemblance to Harry Styles. She met him at a Red Bull party event, where he was taking photos and the next day she asked her out for coffee. The couple got engaged in 2017 in Ireland and had been together for over 6 years when they wed on a farm in Minnesota on September 7, 2019. They honeymooned in Hawaii and announced they were expecting their first child together in January 2021. Tess is due to have her baby boy in June 2021. 


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Looking for more amazing lifestyle and beauty influencers to follow? Read our list of some of the top lifestyle YouTubers here.

Before The Fame

Before we were discussing Tess Christine’s net worth, Tess Christine was growing up in Wisconsin. Tess is the oldest of two, she has a younger brother, Nick, who loved to play outside which made her want to get into sports in school. She did not know which sport to join so she tried everything from soccer, softball, gymnastics, dance, and swimming. She ultimately chose dance and was a part of was part of the high-school dance teams in her junior and sophomore years and her college dance team in her freshman year.

 In high school, she worked as a hostess at T.G.I Fridays, she also worked at Outback Steakhouse, and she also taught dance lessons at her dance studio on the side. She went to a university in Minnesota and was on her college dance team until she quit sophomore year to focus on her major. That was also the year she broke up with the boyfriend she was seeing at the moment and used her extra time to get into YouTube videos, the rest is now history. She did take a break from YouTube in her junior year to study abroad in England, when she came back she poured everything she had in her videos, uploading almost daily. When she officially graduated, receiving a bachelor’s degree in public relations, she committed to YouTube full time.


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Tess Christine became fascinated by the beauty community on YouTube and decide to create her own platform starting her YouTube channel in 2011 under “TessChristine123” with her first video titled “How To: Wavy Hair.” Her most popular videos consist of her “get the look” series where she recreates looks of popular tv shows or celebrity series such as Pretty Little Liars, Demi Lovato, and Selena Gomez at a more affordable price with easy step-by-step instructions for every video. She creates regular styling videos which attract followers who are interested in her casual and laidback style.


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 Her beauty videos raking in millions of views on different ways to style your hair in makeup. To this day her most popular video is “Running Late Hair Fixes: No Heat, 8 Styles!” totaling over 9 million views. Her positive personality has attracted over 2.36 million subscribers who do not subscribe just for her fashion and beauty tips but also to see more of her life. She does a lot of traveling and as of recently, most of her videos have been vlogs detailing her home life and the journey of her first pregnancy.

Backyard Roses

The Tess Christine net worth breakdown would not be complete without including the success of Backyard Roses. The YouTuber launched her own ethical clothing brand called Backyard Roses on August 24th, 2020 as a love letter to the people who were a part of her journey, as well as those who will join in on this new adventure. Tess describes the best memories of her life were created in her family’s midwestern backyard. She spent days running barefoot in the grass, gathering wildflowers, and watching the clouds move in the sky. She wanted to create something tangible and reminiscent of those blissful moments- clothing that not only reflects her personal style but makes every person empowered. Backyard Roses features light, flowy, airy dresses, skirts, and blouses that are reminiscent of spring and summer and are definitely a reflection of Tess Christine’s style. 


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Tess Christine has now joined the list of beauty influencers who have decided to launch their own brand. Over recent years we have seen a rise in YouTubers in the beauty community maximizing their reach with their own companies. After a certain amount of time, influencers start to realize the power of their influence and begin to capitalize on it. Below is a breakdown of popular beauty influencers who have started their own brands from the past 3 years.


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Looking for more merch from your favorite influencers? Check out our influencer merch gift guide here.

Tess Christine Net Worth

So what do 10 years and 2.36 million subscribers on YouTube add up to? It is reported that Tess Chrisitne’s net worth is around 2 million dollars. From YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok, all her sponsorships, and collaborations from all her social media platforms combine to bring in an estimated  $200,000 a year salary. Tess Chrisitne’s net worth is only expected to catapult as her clothing line Backyard Roses expands and Tess continues to grow her channel as an influencer in the next few years.
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This article was written by Ananda York

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