An API solution for every use case

Seamlessly integrate our social insights with your enterprise
application via a REST API.

  • Platforms

  • We currently offer insights into top social media platforms such as YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Twitch and Tik-Tok.
  • Analysis

  • Human classifiers categorize creators and trends into cohorts, allowing us to return a more advanced cohort analysis than a typical firehose API.
  • Integration

  • Seamlessly integrate our social insights with your enterprise application via a standard REST API which accepts standard parameters to return JSON data.

Find the exact data
that you're looking for

Our API allows you to mix and match the important datasets from our database to create the exact parameters that you're looking for.

Looking for the fastest growing automotive influencer? Our API can do that.

Looking for a Spanish-speaking fitness influencer with kids? Our API can do that, too.

Let your mind run wild with possibilites and our API solution can help you find what you come up with.

Example Insights & Features:

Sponsorship Pricing Data

Input a YouTube handle and return the cost to sponsor that influencer, along with their estimated CPV.

Brand Sponsored Content

Input two dates and return a list of brands running sponsored content between those dates on YouTube.

Competitor Spending Analysis

Input in a brand or product and return all of their sponsored content & derive spending patterns, total spending, and sponsorhip data by date for a brand.

Historical Price & ROI Data

Return the historical price trends for a given influencer. Estimate IMV (Influencer Media Value) past performance data on sponsored posts.

Detailed Audience Matching

Input your target demographic and return a list of influencers whose audience overlaps with your target. Factors include professionalism, quality of content, and historical performance data.

"Rising Star" Influencer Tracker

Identify which influencers are growing at an abnormally high rate in your vertical. Accurately predict tomorrows influencer today.

Comprehensive Market Data

A firehose dump of all given data about an industry or vertical (returns all sponsored posts, sponsored influencers, spending trends).

Fraud Detection

Identify & detect fake/bot followers, likes, or comments to artificially grow/boost accounts or posts.

View some of our 400+ network endpoints

Get access to creator data, network stats, hashtag trends, content trends, demographics, insights, sponsorship data, brand data, and 100+ NeoReach custom endpoints.

Social Profile Information
Social Profile Analytics
Social Post
Social Audience
Profile image Posting frequency Media file Posting frequency
Name Total media count Caption Total posts lifetime
Email Reach (followers) Author Profiles follower count
Phone number Impressions Media type Profile following count
Classification (Individual, Celeb, etc.) Engagements Hashtags Location
Content categories Total followers Users tagged Network Settings
Social handle Total following Location tagged Celebrity interests
Description Historical growth changes Social Platform Brand affinity
and much more... and much more... and much more... and much more...

Have a very specific insight in mind? Lay it on us.

Let us know exactly what dataset would benefit your business and we'll tell you if it's possible using our social insights API. Don't be afraid to get super specific. We're known for appreciating a little challenge.


Start a campaign with us!

Submit the form below, tell us a bit more about
your business, and we’ll be in touch shortly.
Are you an Influencer? Sign up here


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