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10 Soft Skills that Make a Great Influencer

By Editorial Staff

10 Soft Skills That Make a Great Influencer

The role of an influencer extends far beyond just posting aesthetically pleasing photos or crafting catchy captions. As an influencer, you’re not only a brand ambassador but also a leader, a strategist, and a communicator. With 93% of marketers using influencer marketing and 89% reporting that the ROI is comparable to or better than other marketing channels, the success of your influence hinges on a set of crucial soft skills that enable you to connect with your audience, build trust, and drive engagement. 

Master These 10 Soft Skills to Excel as an Influencer

In the following sections, we explore ten essential soft skills that can elevate your impact as an influencer, backed by data and practical insights to enhance your approach.

1. Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to communicate effectively, empathize with others, and defuse conflicts. According to research from TalentSmart, 90% of top performers have high emotional intelligence, making it a critical soft skill for influencers who need to engage authentically with their audience.

To elevate your EQ, start by practicing mindfulness techniques such as meditation or journaling to become more aware of your emotions and triggers. Active listening is another key component—when interacting with your audience, focus on their words and emotions rather than just preparing a response. For instance, influencer Brené Brown is known for her deep connections with her audience, often reflecting back their concerns and experiences in a way that shows she truly understands them.

Engage with your audience’s comments and messages by addressing them individually, not just with generic replies, but with responses that reflect an understanding of their unique situations. For example, if a follower shares a personal story in response to your post, acknowledge their vulnerability and offer words of encouragement or share similar experiences you’ve encountered.

2. Communication Skills

Effective communication is at the heart of successful influencing. Whether you’re crafting a tweet, recording a video, or collaborating with brands, your ability to convey messages clearly and persuasively is crucial. 

A study by LinkedIn found that communication is one of the most in-demand soft skills across all industries. However, effective communication is more than just speaking or writing well—it’s about connecting with your audience in a meaningful way.

Meanwhile, here are the common misconceptions about effective communication that you should avoid:

  • More talking equals better communication: Many believe that being a good communicator means dominating the conversation. In reality, effective communication involves active listening and understanding the perspectives of others before responding.
  • Using complex language shows expertise: Some influencers think that using jargon or complex language makes them sound more knowledgeable. However, clarity is key—your audience should be able to understand your message without needing to decipher it.
  • Consistency means repeating the same message: While consistency in your brand voice is important, this doesn’t mean repeating the same message in the same way. Adapt your communication style to different platforms and audiences while maintaining your core message.
  • Nonverbal cues aren’t as important online: Many assume that body language and tone are less important in digital communication. However, how you present yourself in videos, live streams, or even the tone of your writing can significantly impact how your message is received.
  • Good communicators don’t make mistakes: Effective communication doesn’t mean you never make mistakes—it means you know how to address and learn from them. Owning up to errors and correcting them builds trust with your audience.

Enhancing your communication skills

  • Hone your communication skills by focusing on clarity and consistency in your messaging. 
  • Regularly review and refine your content to ensure it aligns with your brand voice. 
  • Experiment with different formats—such as storytelling, Q&A sessions, or behind-the-scenes content—to see what resonates most with your audience.

Influencers like Gary Vaynerchuk excel in communication not only through speaking well but also through listening, adapting, and responding to their audience’s needs. Investing time in developing these soft skills can help you elevate your influence and build deeper connections with your audience.

3. Adaptability

As an influencer, the digital landscape is constantly shifting, with new platforms, trends, and algorithms emerging at a rapid pace. Your ability to adapt not only ensures your relevance but also your long-term success. A study by McKinsey found that leaders who prioritize adaptability are four times more likely to succeed during periods of change, which directly applies to influencers navigating the evolving world of social media​.

Here are the key trends influencers should adapt to in 2025:

  • Short-form video reigns supreme: By 2025, over 70% of all mobile traffic will be driven by short-form video content. Platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts are critical to master for maintaining engagement​.
  • AI-driven content: The rise of AI tools will allow influencers to personalize content at scale. In fact, 58% of marketers plan to use AI in content creation, so being proficient in AI-powered tools can give you a significant edge.
  • Platform diversification: With emerging platforms like BeReal gaining traction, staying active across multiple platforms is essential. By 2025, 45% of influencers are expected to create content on three or more platforms to reach a wider audience.

4. Creativity

Creativity is the fuel that powers compelling content. Successful influencers are not just content creators; they are storytellers who bring fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to life. Creativity allows you to stand out in a crowded digital space and build a memorable personal brand.

Examples of creative strategies by influencers:

  • Emma Chamberlain: Known for her unconventional editing style, Chamberlain redefined the YouTube vlogging format by incorporating jump cuts, awkward pauses, and random humor. Her unique, relatable content resonates with millions, setting her apart from traditional influencers.
  • Zach King: Often referred to as a “digital magician,” Zach King uses creative editing techniques to produce mind-bending videos that seamlessly blend reality with illusion. His highly visual, innovative storytelling has garnered him over 96 million followers on TikTok, making his content highly shareable.
  • Lele Pons: Pons is known for creating sketch comedy that blends humor with relatable, everyday situations. Her creative take on common social experiences, paired with her high-energy style, has earned her millions of followers across YouTube and Instagram.
  • Liza Koshy: Liza Koshy’s versatility in creating humorous content across multiple platforms, combined with her strong storytelling abilities, has helped her build a diverse audience. She often blends physical comedy with clever wordplay, making her skits memorable and engaging for her fans.

Challenge yourself to think outside the box with your content. Experiment with different styles, themes, and formats to keep your audience engaged. Consider exploring innovative video editing techniques, collaborating with other creators for fresh ideas, or even using interactive content like polls and Q&A sessions to boost creativity. Enhance your creative skills by taking courses on content creation or storytelling to push the boundaries of what’s possible.

5. Authenticity

Authenticity is the cornerstone of trust, which is essential for building a loyal following. A recent study found that 86% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding what brands they like and support. As an influencer, your audience values genuine connections over polished perfection.

Cleo Wade, a poet, activist, and author, is known for her deeply personal and inspiring content. She often shares raw and heartfelt reflections on life, relationships, and self-love, which resonate deeply with her audience. Cleo’s authenticity shines through her vulnerability, as she speaks openly about her own challenges and growth. Her ability to connect with people on an emotional level makes her a trusted voice for many.

Be transparent with your audience about your values, struggles, and successes. Share personal stories and experiences that resonate with your followers. To further develop your authenticity, study personal branding techniques that emphasize genuine self-presentation.

6. Time Management

Balancing content creation, brand collaborations, and audience engagement requires strong time management skills. As an influencer, effectively managing your time is key to maintaining consistency and avoiding burnout.

Examples of time management for influencers:

  • Batch content creation: Dedicate specific days to creating multiple pieces of content at once. For example, film or photograph several posts in one day, so you have material ready to go for the week. This approach allows you to focus on engaging with your audience and collaborating with brands on other days.
  • Use time-blocking: Set specific blocks of time during your day for different tasks. You might allocate mornings to content creation, afternoons for editing, and evenings for engaging with your followers. This helps ensure that each task gets the necessary attention without overwhelming your schedule.
  • Leverage scheduling tools: Use different platforms to schedule your posts in advance. This way, you can automate parts of your workflow, allowing you to focus on more creative aspects or collaborate with brands.

7. Collaboration

Collaboration is key in the world of influencers, whether you’re working with brands, other influencers, or your audience. A successful influencer understands the value of teamwork and is skilled at building and maintaining professional relationships. 

One of the most notable examples of influencer collaboration is MrBeast and Mark Rober, who teamed up for the “#TeamTrees” initiative, a campaign to plant 20 million trees worldwide. This partnership not only brought together their massive audiences but also showcased how powerful collaborations can drive social change and make a lasting impact.

8. Problem-Solving

In the world of social media, challenges are inevitable—be it handling negative feedback, dealing with technical issues, or navigating brand relationships. Strong problem-solving skills enable influencers to address these challenges proactively and maintain their reputation.

Imagine an influencer faces a technical issue during a live stream, where their audio suddenly cuts out and they lose connection with their audience. In this scenario, quick problem-solving is essential. 

The influencer might need to immediately troubleshoot the technical issue, communicate transparently with their viewers about the situation, and re-engage the audience once the problem is resolved. A proactive approach, such as having backup equipment or an alternative communication method, ensures minimal disruption and helps maintain trust with followers.

Approach challenges with a solution-oriented mindset. Break down problems into manageable parts and brainstorm multiple solutions. To sharpen your problem-solving soft skills, consider courses that focus on critical thinking and decision-making, enabling you to respond effectively when faced with unexpected challenges.

9. Negotiation Skills

Negotiation is an essential skill for influencers when it comes to securing brand deals, setting rates, and managing collaborations. A strong negotiator can ensure fair compensation while maintaining positive relationships with partners.

When do influencers need negotiation skills:

  • Securing brand deals: Influencers often negotiate the terms of a brand collaboration, such as deliverables, timelines, and exclusivity clauses. For example, an influencer may negotiate to include more creative control over the content or request an extended timeline to ensure quality.
  • Setting rates: Influencers negotiate their rates for sponsored content, including factors like the number of posts, stories, or videos required. An influencer might negotiate higher compensation if the campaign involves extensive work or if the brand wants to use the content for paid advertising.
  • Managing long-term partnerships: Influencers often negotiate the terms of long-term collaborations, such as the number of campaigns they will run over a period of time, the type of content to be created, and exclusivity agreements. They might negotiate to increase the partnership length or adjust compensation based on their growing audience size.
  • Product collaborations: When launching a product with a brand, influencers can negotiate revenue shares, design input, and promotion strategies to ensure their brand values are aligned with the product.

Improve your negotiation skills by preparing thoroughly for discussions and understanding your value proposition. Practice being assertive yet flexible in your negotiations. To refine this skill, explore courses on negotiation and conflict resolution to navigate deals with confidence and clarity.

10. Resilience

The path of an influencer is filled with ups and downs, from fluctuating engagement rates to negative comments. Resilience allows you to bounce back from setbacks and maintain your focus on long-term goals. According to the American Psychological Association, resilience is a key trait that helps individuals cope with stress and adversity.

Build resilience by developing a positive mindset and focusing on personal growth. Learn from your experiences and view challenges as opportunities to improve.

Key Takeaways

As an influencer, mastering these ten soft skills can significantly enhance your impact and effectiveness. Each skill plays a vital role in helping you connect with your audience, build lasting relationships, and navigate the complexities of the social media world. Continuously developing these abilities equips you to grow your influence and achieve sustained success in your career. This well-rounded approach ensures you remain adaptable and thrive in an ever-evolving industry.

This article was written by Barbra Anne Isla

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