What is a Nano Influencer, How to Find Them, & Why You Want Them

Influencer Marketing

What is a Nano Influencer, How to Find Them, & Why You Want Them

By Editorial Staff

If you’re looking to get started in the influencer marketing industry or are looking to diversify your strategy, hiring nano influencers is a great place to start. Although they are the influencers with the smallest following range, there are still many advantages to working with them in campaigns. In this blog, we will go over what a nano influencer is, why you should work with them, and how you can find them. Let’s dive in!

What is a Nano Influencer

Nano influencers are social media influencers with less than 10,000 followers. Although some may characterize them as influencers with less than 5,000 followers, the main point is that these creators have the smallest following out of all of the influencer levels. Here’s a breakdown of each of the five influencer levels:

Influencer LevelFollowing Range
Mega Influencer1M+
Macro Influencer500K – 1M
Mid-Tier Influencer50K – 500K
Micro Influencer10K – 50K
Nano Influencer<10K

Although nano influencers are objectively the smallest influencers a brand could work with, they should not be overlooked. These influencers often have extremely active followers and are a pleasure to work with. Now, we’ll look into a few reasons why brands can benefit from working with nano influencers.

Nano influencer campaigns are a great way to break into any space. Check out this blog to get started in YouTube marketing.

Why You Should Work With Nano Influencers

Overall, nano influencers are a great option for brands who are getting started in the field of influencer marketing as well as those who are looking to diversify their strategy. Although there are many advantages to working with nano influencers, there are also specific disadvantages that brands should be aware of. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of working with nano influencers.


  1. High Engagement Rate: Research has shown that the average engagement rate of nano influencers is 7-10%. In contrast, the average engagement rate of influencers with over 30K followers is only 2%. Nano influencers are also typically very close and interactive with their audience.
  2. Cost-Effective: Hiring nano influencers can be a very cost-effective option for brands. Since they cost significantly less than larger influencers, brands have the opportunity to use a much larger roster than usual and hire multiple influencers.
  3. Targeted Audience: As mentioned earlier, nano influencers fit well into a specific niche. Because of this, brands have the opportunity to hire influencers whose niche aligns well with their product or service. Therefore, they are able to target their ideal audience.


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  1. Lower Reach: Clearly, influencers within a smaller following range will have a smaller reach than larger influencers. This can be combatted by using a larger roster of nano influencers to reach a larger audience.
  2. May Lack Experience: Many nano influencers are just getting started in the influencer marketing industry. They may lack experience with brand partnerships and promotions compared to larger, more experienced influencers.
  3. Limited Platform Features: Some social media platforms have certain features that are only available to influencers that have reached a certain following. For example, Instagram’s story “swipe-up” feature is only available to creators with more than 1,000 followers. Therefore, nano influencers would not be able to utilize this feature.

Clearly, there are both advantages and disadvantages of working with nano influencers. If a brand is looking for highly experienced influencers with an extremely large reach, they would be better off hiring a macro or mega influencer for their campaign. But, if a brand is focusing more on engagement rates and cost-effectiveness, nano influencers would be a great option. In the end, it all comes down to a brand’s campaign goals and desired outcome.

Looking to run an epic influencer marketing campaign with nano influencers? NeoReach has the best experience in creating viral campaigns that convert on social media. Sign up here! 

How to Find Nano Influencers

Larger influencers are fairly easy to find on social media. And while brands may know many of these influencers by name, there are a great number of influencers with a smaller social media presence that would be open to collaborations. But, the trick is finding these influencers and deliberating which would be the best for your brand.

When finding influencers in general, there are a few platforms and software brands can utilize. Here are some of the best free influencer search tools:

For nano influencers, there are a few other influencer search strategies specific to smaller content creators. Here is a tactic some smaller influencers use to get noticed by a brand: They purchase a product from a brand, post on their account with that product, and tag the brand. If you’re a brand looking for nano influencers, look through your tagged photos and see if any influencers have done this with your products. If so, reach out to them and see if they would be interested in an official partnership!


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A brand can also look to its own followers to find influencers to partner with. Check out some of your most active followers and see which influencers they follow. Would any of them align well with your brand? If any nano influencers follow you and interact with your content, see if they would be interested in a partnership.

Another way to find nano influencers is to look through popular hashtags. While some nano influencers will use hashtags directed at brands like #nanoinfluencer, #brandpartnership, and #influencer, many will use some more related to their niche and personal brand. For example, fashion influencers may use hashtags like #fashion and #fashioninspo. On the other hand, fitness influencers may use some regarding healthy eating and working out. Search some hashtags related to your brand and see if any nano influencers have posted content on any of them.

Lots of influencers work with agencies. Check out this blog for some of the best practices when working with a talent agency.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know why you should use nano influencers and how to find them, consider hiring some in your next influencer marketing campaign! It is important for brands to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of working with any size influencer so they can choose which creator would be the best fit for them. Overall, nano influencers should not be overlooked when it comes to influencer marketing campaigns.
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This article was written by Rachel Phillis

Want to work with amazing nano influencers on your next campaign? Get started with us today!

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