Why Luxury Brands NEED to Capitalize on Influencer Marketing

Influencer Marketing Trends

Why Luxury Brands NEED to Capitalize on Influencer Marketing

By Editorial Staff

Today, influencer marketing has become one of the most popular and effective forms of marketing. In fact, traditional media methods of marketing and advertising, like television commercials or newspaper ads, haven’t been working as well as they used to, and the influencer marketing industry is estimated to approximately $13.8B in 2021. This shows huge and impressive growth on the part of the industry, as it was reporting $1.7B in 2016. With the times changing, plenty of brands have begun adapting and running social campaigns on various platforms to reach younger and new, vast audiences. Plenty of brands can benefit from influencer marketing, but luxury brands especially can capitalize from the success of this new marketing method. To break it down, we’ll cover all the must-know facts when it comes to luxury brands utilizing influencer marketing in their media strategy. 

The Power of Influencers and Social Media for Luxury Brands

 For fashion and luxury brands, maintaining an engaging social media marketing strategy is one of the major keys to achieving mass success. Social media platforms that are highly based on visual content, such as Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok, have proved to be effective tools for luxury brands to reinforce their brand messaging while expanding the reach of their social posts, finding instant feedback and analytics, increasing brand awareness, and targeting potential customers to boost their sales. According to Fashionisers, it’s reported that up to 72% of Instagram users complete a purchase after seeing a fashion brand ad on Instagram. Social media and digital marketing not only have a tremendous impact on sales, but can ultimately help distinguish a luxury brand from the pack. How? Let’s explain further. 

Luxury Brands and Tradition

The luxury brands that are realizing sooner rather than later that digital marketing is crucial and can result in long-lasting positive effects – the better off those luxury brands are in relating to a younger, new audience. If you watched Emily in Paris on Netflix, then you might’ve seen the real-world depiction of how hesitant luxury brands are to market online. On one hand, most luxury brands have been around for decades and trust their name and reputation to get them by on advertising instead of focusing on brand awareness campaigns on social media. Plus, if they don’t work with the right influencers, luxury brands run the risk of giving the impression that their brand is more attainable than exclusive or luxurious.

This is where the importance of influencer marketing agencies comes in. These agencies are responsible for multiple steps of the campaign process – they take care of everything for their clients from influencers sourcing to tracking campaign performance. To run successful campaigns, it’s up to these influencer marketing agencies to correctly narrow down the target audience and demographics that luxury brands need to focus on. Not only that, but these agencies also need to find the proper influencers to promote their products that are known for producing high-quality content. 

In fact, when it comes to the relationship of influencers and luxury brands, Searsha Sadek, head of brand partners and human sciences at ProQuo AI told Worth: “I think influencers in the luxury space are going to become more and more important. I feel like there’s been a real hesitance to engage with them so far because brands don’t like to take massive risks generally because they are so keen on keeping control of that brand. So, I think we’re kind of starting to see a lot more activity in the last couple of years. And I think, in the future, we’re going to be even more.” 

Looking to run an epic influencer marketing campaign for your brand? NeoReach has the best experience in creating viral campaigns that convert on social media. Sign up here! 

Examples of Social Campaigns from Luxury Brands

Running campaigns on social media, especially platforms like Instagram, is a fantastic way for luxury brands to predict trends, engage with their social following, judge customer satisfaction, and come up with artistic direction for future collections. Not to mention, 60% of users today claim that they discover new products on Instagram through influencers and Instagram ads. It’s a giant market that luxury brands can’t afford to not tap into right now.

To keep up with the trends, influencer marketing agencies have been helping luxury brands launch successful social campaigns by investing in top-performing influencers that still maintain the right image, professionalism, and target demographic that is expected to promote luxury products. Check out some of the most recent luxury brand campaigns on social media below that turned out to be a huge success due to the influencers activated and high-quality content created: 

1. Coach

  • Orion Carloto, Sami Miró, Lucy Williams, Lily Montasser, and Sara Legge


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A post shared by Orion Carloto (@orionvanessa)

On this campaign to promote their new Tabby Bag, Coach worked with top influencers, such as Orion Carloto and Lucy Williams. All of the influencers that Coach worked with are known for their contributions in the fashion, creative and design space, making them perfect additions to the campaign in terms of the content reaching the right audiences. To further expand their reach, Coach did not limit themselves to just one region of influence, as they worked with influencers based in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. 

Looking to find the perfect fit influencers for your next campaign? Check out this blog for some of the best influencer search tools.


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2. Marc Jacobs

  • Best Dressed, Sián Lilly, Amaka Hamelijnck, Jaci Marie Smith, and Zolee


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A post shared by Sián Lilly (@siannlilly)

To celebrate Marc Jacobs Fragrances, this luxury brand and Sephora teamed up with multiple fashion-focused influencers to promote the Daisy Love fragrance. Besides fashion influencers, lifestyle influencers, bloggers, and YouTube stars were also activated for the campaign to reach younger, Millennial and Gen Z consumers.  Like Coach, Marc Jacobs didn’t hold back and worked with influencers from Europe, Mexico, the United States, and beyond.


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3. Louis Vuitton

  • Orion Carloto, Sharon Alexie, Violette, Marie von Behrens, Lauren Johnson, and Clara Berry

Louis Vuitton launched their Coussin Bag by working with multiple influencers on Instagram. The bag completely took over Instagram and became a staple of Spring/Summer 2021 in the world of fashion. The main focus of this campaign was exposure and awareness, as the brand worked with numerous popular digital creators from around the world and KPop stars.


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4. Fendi

  • Orion Carloto, Joanna Kuchta, Erica Choi, and Kayla Seah


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A post shared by Erica Choi (@eggcanvas)

With the 2020 pandemic, Fendi needed to find a way to promote their products while everyone stayed home and prepped for the holidays. Their solution? Fendi gifts. For this campaign, Fendi gifted their influencers some holiday gifts while they worked from home, including luxurious slippers and bags. 

Holiday marketing can create some of your most lucrative campaigns. Check out our full holiday marketing guide here.


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5. Guerlain

  • Orion Carloto, Jenny Ong, Cass DiMicco, Jenny Cipoletti, and Amy Julliette Lefévre


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Guerlain, a Parisian luxury beauty company, launched an Instagram campaign with top-performing beauty, lifestyle, and environmentally-focused influencers to promote their new Youth Watery Oil. With a mission to reach young consumers who would benefit the most from this product, Guerlain chose the influencers they worked with carefully and launched the campaign during the holidays to boost sales.


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This article was written by Selena Ponton

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