World of Tanks

How H&R Block increased sales by generating awareness of their new Tax Pro Go Review with over 6K engagements before the 2018 tax season ended.




Blog Posts


Influencer Media Value


Engagement Rate

Phase 1

Introducing H&R Block’s Tax Pro Go Review

H&R Block is an international tax preparation and auditing company with services and software made to streamline and simplify the tax filing process. After noticing that many consumers ran into difficulties during the online filing process, the company decided to create a new add-on service to their products that would easily resolve those issues: Tax Pro Go Review. However, H&R Block quickly discovered that they needed help to spread the word about their new service. They hired NeoReach to tackle this project, and we quickly identified three problems we wanted to target in this campaign.

Phase 1

Introducing the New Service

After years of observation, research, and tests, H&R Block finally created the perfect add-on service for their consumers. Their next task was telling the right people about all of its amazing features and convincing them to purchase it.

Traditional Advertising Is Expensive

H&R Block knew that their Tax Pro Go Review service was one that so many of their customers needed and would benefit from. They knew that advertising in the traditional channels as they normally did would be very expensive so they wanted a solution that would be quicker, cheaper, and just as effective, if not more effective.

Identifying the Right Platforms to Advertise on

H&R Block wanted to hire influencers to inform consumers about the new service, but the popular social media stars had an audience that was much too young to be Tax Pro Go Review users. They weren’t sure what their next step was.

Phase 2

Phase 2

Blogging Up a Storm

Like H&R Block, NeoReach knew that we needed to tap into a different type of influencer and audience than most other influencer marketing campaigns ask for. We identified that the most relevant target audience was Gen-X and millennials, who were likely to be reading blogs or following the appropriate influencers to learn about how to properly file taxes or improve their financial literacy.

Testing Tax Products

Our target audience was most likely to be on Facebook, Twitter, and blogs so we decided to hire 36 personal finance influencers on social media to make two sponsored posts about Tax Pro Go Review, tagging H&R Block and adding the hashtag #TaxesWon. We had these same influencers create integrated or dedicated features in blog posts and gave our influencers the freedom to choose any topic related to the new online service. They showcased how H&R Block’s Tax Pro Go and Tax Pro Review products were easy, convenient, personalized, and effective time and cost-saving tax solutions.

Cultivating Positive Interactions

This strategy proved to be very effective at not only creating greater awareness of the new product features but also reaching a predominantly older audience that would need and use Tax Pro Go. Through testing the tax products, our influencers created lively discussions with followers on their blogs, Twitter, and Facebook about the features and benefits of the product.

Creator Content

Influencers for this campaign created one blog post and two sponsored posts on Facebook and Twitter. Posts incorporated campaign-specific tags and hashtags.

H&R Block Cast of Influencers

Meet the creators behind the content

Financial Samurai

Financial services industry veteran and blogger

Wealthy Single Mommy

Professional single mom and blogger

The College Investor

Money expert and blogger with

His and Her Money

Financial expert blogger couple

Emma Johnson

Journalist, activist, author, and founder of Moms for Shared Parenting

Planting Money Seeds

Financial journalist and money expert

Saving Advice

A personal finance website that attempts to inspire and teach different ways of saving money

Punch Debt in the Face

A personal finance blog that isn't boring

Phase 3

The Results Are in... (drumroll please)


Total Impressions

3:1 ROI

As measured against IMV


Of followers were married


Between the ages of 30-49


Interested in news & business

From our influencer and content marketing campaign, we were able to reach our target audience, with 38% of followers between the ages of 40-49 and 37% of followers between the ages of 30-39. Most of the followers reached were married (94%) with children (50%) and interests in news, business, and technology. NeoReach’s campaign was able to generate awareness of H&R Block’s new Tax Pro Go Review with over 6K engagements, many of which led to increased sales for the new service as the 2018 tax season was quickly coming to an end. Since then, H&R Block has been able to successfully scale their Tax Pro Go Review service and help many more tax filers every season. 

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