YouTube ASMR A Trend That Became an Industry and Income Stream

Influencer Marketing Trends

YouTube ASMR A Trend That Became an Industry and Income Stream

By Editorial Staff

In 2010, the concept of YouTube ASMR emerged. ASMR stands for “autonomous sensory meridian response” and is a relaxing sensation that starts on the scalp and moves down the body. It can best be described as a combination of a feeling and sensation in the scalp and back of the neck, experienced in response to triggers such as whispers, taps, and scratches. ASMR signifies the experience of a “low-grade euphoria”, and is associated with positive feelings and tingling sensations on one’s skin, scalp, and neck.  To sum it up for you: ASMR is triggered by relaxing sights and sounds. Here is a breakdown of the true meaning of “ASMR” by the creator of ASMR, Jennifer Allen:

  • Autonomous: spontaneous, self-governing, with or without control 
  • Sensory: pertaining to sensations or sensory experience 
  • Meridian: signifying a point of high intensity or development 
  • Response: refers to an experience triggered by external or internal factors

What are “ASMR creators”?

In recent years, YouTube ASMR creators have emerged. ASMR creators are social media users who post ASMR content, ranging from YouTube videos to TikToks. ASMR content typically includes triggering sounds, visuals, and more. Among the most popular ASMR YouTube videos are those that feature: slurping, hand movements, music, chewing, spraying water, tapping objects, stirring liquids, crinkling paper, and eating various crunchy foods.

Some ASMR content features role-playing scenarios, such as getting a haircut or going to the spa. A perfect example of a YouTube ASMR creator that posts typical ASMR content is Gibi ASMR. Gibi is a popular ASMR creator that has over 3 million subscribers on YouTube and is among the top ASMR creators on the internet. Gibi is best known for posting ASMR videos such as this video.

In this ASMR video, Gibi triggers ASMR through tapping, whispers, and other soothing sounds and sights. She uses various props as well as her own voice and hands to create triggers. The effect of the calming and soothing taps and whispers is a perfect example of ASMR. 

How did the trend start? 

The term “ASMR” was coined in 2010 by Jennifer Allen, a woman who created a Facebook group for the purpose of exploring the phenomenon of ASMR. Because people enjoyed Jennifer Allen’s take on ASMR, it quickly grew to become the ASMR we know and love today! ASMR quickly caught on, and soon became a large niche source of entertainment on YouTube. Today, there are thousands of ASMR creators and millions of ASMR videos. 

Want to know more about the latest YouTube trends? Check out this blog on the newest addition to the platform, YouTube Shorts. 

How Big Is the ASMR Industry?

ASMR has grown exponentially in recent years. There are now hundreds of thousands of ASMR videos circulating the internet. The tops ASMR creators have millions of subscribers on YouTube, and each video has hundreds of thousands (for some, even millions) of views. The phenomenon of ASMR has been covered in The New York Times, BuzzFeed, Washington Post, and even College Humor. And ASMR continues to grow in popularity

The Top 10 ASMR YouTube Creators Today: 

1. Gibi ASMR

2. ASMR Darling


4. ASMR Zeitgeist

5. Lily Whispers

6. Hungry Olivia ASMR

7. Kim & Liz ASMR

8. Whispers Red ASMR


10. Gentle Whispering ASMR

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Brands and Collaborations in ASMR Industry

ASMR’s recent growth in popularity has caught the eyes of many brands looking to promote their products on YouTube. If you’re starting an ASMR YouTube channel and need help with logo branding, you can easily create your channel logo using a YouTube logo generator. We are beginning to see more collaborations between brands and ASMR content creators due to the popularity of ASMR content. ASMR creators typically work ads into their ASMR content, through delivering ads via whisper, or even using products to tap, scratch, and trigger ASMR. Below are three brands and ads from the popular creators ASMR Darling and Gibi ASMR: 

  • Helix Mattresses

  • Dollar Shave Club

  • Nord VPN

Speaking of viral campaigns, check out the Reese’s social media campaign breakdown here.

What Is the Future of ASMR?

ASMR is currently a popular niche on YouTube and social media platforms alike. Many social media users question whether or not ASMR will continue to grow or phase out like other fads of the past. According to Vox, there is hope for the ASMR industry. In a recent article, Vox delivered hope to ASMR lovers, as they shared their belief that ASMR will continue to grow with new technological advances and research. For brands, this means investing in ASMR influencer marketing and ads may be beneficial to your consumers. 
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This article was written by Kyleigh Eaton

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