Why Greenwashing Can Jeopardize Influencers and the Creator Economy | NeoReach | Influencer Marketing Platform

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Why Greenwashing Can Jeopardize Influencers and the Creator Economy

By Editorial Staff

In an era where sustainability and eco-consciousness are at the forefront of consumer awareness, the term “greenwashing” has gained prominence. Greenwashing is a deceptive marketing strategy companies use to portray themselves as environmentally friendly, even when their practices and products fall short of genuine sustainability. 

While greenwashing is well-known, a relatively new phenomenon has emerged in recent years: “green” influencers who unwittingly or knowingly become conduits for spreading false information about brands’ eco-friendliness. This blog will delve into greenwashing, explore how green influencers can unintentionally propagate misleading claims, and discuss the implications for consumer trust and the creator economy.

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What is Greenwashing?

Greenwashing is a marketing ploy where companies exaggerate or misrepresent their environmental efforts to appear more eco-friendly than they are in reality. This strategy is often employed to capitalize on the growing consumer demand for sustainable and environmentally responsible products. 

Companies may use vague slogans, misleading labels, or selective information to create an illusion of environmental responsibility. By doing so, they aim to attract environmentally conscious consumers and improve their public image without substantially changing their practices.

Green Influencers: A Growing Trend

The rise of social media platforms has given birth to a new breed of influencers, often called “green” influencers. These individuals leverage their online presence and expertise in sustainability to advocate for eco-friendly living, ethical consumption, and environmentally responsible brands. Their audiences trust them to provide accurate information and recommendations, making them powerful change agents in the quest for a greener planet.

Examples of green influencers include YouTubers who create zero-waste lifestyle content, Instagrammers who showcase sustainable fashion and beauty products, and bloggers who guide eco-friendly home renovations and gardening.

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The Unintentional Role of Green Influencers in Greenwashing

While many green influencers genuinely strive to promote sustainability and ethical consumption, some are inadvertently or intentionally drawn into the web of greenwashing. Brands seeking to capitalize on the influencer’s following may approach them with lucrative partnerships, offering free products, financial incentives, or exclusive deals. However, without rigorous due diligence, influencers may unknowingly endorse brands that engage in the greenwashing process.


Greenwashing: the act or practice of making a product, policy, activity, etc. appear to be more environmentally friendly or less environmentally damaging than it really is. #greenwashing #kourtneykardashian #boohoo #fastfashion #sustainable #sustainability #target #ecofriendly #ecofriendlyproducts #ecofriendlypackaging #ecofriendlyliving #zerowaste #environmentalist

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Betraying Trust: The Consequences of Misinformation

Green influencers hold a unique position of trust and authority among their followers. They are expected to provide accurate information, make ethical recommendations, and champion brands that align with sustainability values. When influencers inadvertently endorse or promote greenwashing brands, they risk betraying the trust of their audience, which can have far-reaching consequences.

One notable example of this betrayal was the controversy surrounding well-known green influencers on TikTok promoting the popular fast fashion brand Shein as eco-friendly. When their followers discovered that the brand had a history of exploitative labor practices and negligible sustainability efforts, their credibility hit them, and many followers felt deceived by the green influencers.

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Greenwashing’s Impact on the Creator Economy

The creator economy, driven by content creators and influencers, has become a thriving ecosystem where individuals can monetize their content and partnerships. However, this ecosystem relies heavily on trust. The creator economy suffers when influencers use greenwashing or false information about brands.


Where does H&M’s recycling clothing take-back program go? #hmgreenwashing #clothingrecycling #sustainablefashion #greenwashing #textilewaste #fastfashionisntcute

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Examples of Trust Betrayal

Several instances illustrate how poor influencer decisions have betrayed consumer trust:

  1. The Green TikTok Influencers and Shein: As mentioned earlier, prominent green influencers faced backlash for promoting the fast fashion brand Shein as eco-friendly. Their followers felt deceived and questioned their authenticity, leading to losing trust and followers for the community.
  2. Misleading Claims About Natural Products: Another case involved an influencer endorsing a skincare line as “all-natural” and environmentally friendly. Subsequent investigations revealed that the products contained harmful chemicals and had questionable sourcing practices, causing damage to the influencer’s reputation and the brand’s credibility.
  3. Food Brands Touting Sustainability: Food influencers have also fallen victim to greenwashing. Some influencers promoted food brands as sustainable and eco-conscious, only for consumers to discover that these brands used excessive packaging and engaged in unsustainable sourcing practices. One brand that has received backlash was Hello Fresh.

lil rant for the night but if you insist on fast fashion use literally any other brand than shein they’re by far the worst fast fashion brand #shein #sheinhaul #style #fyp #sustainablefashion #rant #ecofriendly #thrift #environment #thrifthaul

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Best Practices for Influencers and Brands

To maintain trust and ethical practices in the creator economy, both influencers and brands should adhere to the best practices:

  1. Thorough Due Diligence: Influencers should conduct rigorous research into the brands they endorse, ensuring they align with their sustainability values. Brands, in turn, should be transparent about their practices.
  2. Transparency: Influencers should openly disclose their partnerships and any compensation received. Transparency builds trust with followers, and that’s crucial to establishing a brand.
  3. Education and Awareness: Influencers should educate themselves about greenwashing tactics and how to spot them. Brands should prioritize genuine sustainability and communicate their efforts honestly.
  4. Consumer Advocacy: Both influencers and brands can play a role in advocating for consumer awareness about greenwashing. Encouraging critical thinking and informed choices can help combat deceptive marketing.

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Greenwashing remains a prevalent issue in marketing, with some brands resorting to deceptive tactics to appear environmentally friendly. Green influencers are critical in guiding consumers toward sustainable choices in this landscape. However, these influencers’ unintended or deliberate spread of false information can have detrimental consequences for trust, credibility, and the creator economy. 

By adhering to best practices, influencers and brands can work together to ensure their actions genuinely contribute to a more sustainable and eco-conscious world rather than perpetuating greenwashing. In doing so, they can build lasting trust with consumers and positively impact the creator economy and the planet.

This article was written by Madeline Fait

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