Tikscore is THE TikTok Analytics Tool for Tracking User Growth


Tikscore is THE TikTok Analytics Tool for Tracking User Growth

By Editorial Staff

As more companies incorporate TikTok into their influencer marketing strategies, influencer marketers will need the right tools to analyze the platform’s hottest and rising trends, influencers, and songs. But how could anyone find all that data easily and in one place? Well, lucky for us, Tikscore is here to lend us a helping hand. Tikscore, NeoReach’s newest API, is a TikTok analytics tool every influencer marketer needs in their tool belt.

Tikscore is the first available TikTok analytics tool and leaderboard that updates multiple times a day. The platform tracks, monitors, and maintains a database of follower growth of accounts with over 10,000 followers, sounds trending on the platform based on usage, and #hashtags that are trending. Users can use the Tiktok analytics tool to monitor any of the three features over a specific duration of time, including the past 24 hours, last week, last month, and last year. 

Want to see Tikscore in action? Let’s get into how to use the TikTok analytics tool. 


Tikscore breaks influencers down into three categories: most followed, new followers, and fastest-growing.

tikscore influencer categories

The most followed column displays the hottest influencers on the platform at that point in time. The new followers’ column displays the top accounts on the platform that have seen the largest growth in followers in the past 24 hours, week, 30 days, or all time. The top right drop-down enables uses to select which time frame they would like to see data from. Similarly, this is an option for the fastest growing column which displays the fastest growing influencers on the platform. 

When you click on an influencer, an abundance of data is provided for you including their worldwide rank, follower count and growth percentage, and their heart total and growth percentage. In addition to these stats, the average comments, average likes, average shares, and average views are available. This streamlined accessibility mirrors the simplicity of tools like an MS Word to PDF Converter, designed to save time and deliver the right data efficiently.


Each of these columns displays thousands of influencers, which can be combed through by clicking the next arrow or page number at the bottom of each column. 

Looking to run an epic influencer marketing campaign on TikTok? NeoReach has the best experience in creating viral campaigns that convert on social media. Sign up here! 

Songs and Trends

The user experience transitions seamlessly from influencers to songs and trends. Similar to influencers, songs are broken into two categories, most posts and fastest-growing, while trends are broken into three categories, most posts, most views, and fastest-growing. 

tikscore music categories

The songs and trends data display the most viewed, liked, and engaged with content on the platform. Just like influencers, users can click on the top right drop-down to select their desired time frame. 

To see the trends and hashtags in action under the trends page, click on which trend you would like to see and Tikscore will automatically redirect you to TikTok’s dedicated page for the hashtag. 

Want to work with the algorithm? Keep up on the latest TikTok song trends here.

Why should you use a TikTok Analytics Tool?

Not sold yet on how great Tikscore is and how beneficial a TikTok analytics tool is? Here are 5 reasons why you should use Tikscore to level up your TikTok influencer campaigns PLUS how record companies can use the tool too. 

1. Influencer Search and Finding Rising Stars 

Tikscore enables users to find the next wave of rising TikTok stars. Brands can monitor influencers they would like to potentially partner with in the future and analyze growth to ensure the influencers are still a relevant choice for the campaigns. Using a fresh face for a campaign can make the campaign feel more authentic and, if the influencer is on-trend for massive growth, you can lock in competitive rates with their current stats. 

2. Nail Down Influencer Selection

Torn between a few different influencer options for an upcoming campaign? Tikscore can help make decisions crystal clear with a data-driven approach. 

3. Pick campaign songs

Finding the perfect song for a campaign can be a treacherous task. Tikscore allows influencer marketers to see which songs on the platform are trending amongst users and what songs would reach their audience best. This knowledge may help drive decisions such as incorporating that particular song into a campaign or drive decisions regarding what genre of music you would like to use to create an original sound for a campaign. 

Want to run a TikTok influencer campaign, but not sure where to start? Check out this blog for your guide to a successful campaign.

4. Find viral trends to incorporate into your campaign 

After music, comes the creative portion of your campaign. What trends are users engaging with most on the platform? Are they engaging in voiceovers, skits, duets, or dances? Tikscore’s data can help creative decisions while crafting a campaign. Keeping in touch with your audience will ensure the campaign resonates well and increases engagement. 

5. Trend Tracking

Curious how long trends last on the platform? Influencer marketers can track when particular trends and #hashtags were growing exponentially on the platform and can also pin down when the trends fell off in popularity, giving insight to how long that trend lasted. 

BONUS: Music Tracking for Record Companies

Tikscore’s data usage does not stop at influencer marketers. As we have seen, TikTok’s hottest songs go beyond the scope of the platform, being played on radio stations and being downloaded on music streaming platforms. Record labels can see at what point in time songs were popular and pin down when those songs fell off in popularity. 

Overall, we stand by our statement that Tikscore is a TikTok analytics tool every influencer marketer needs in their tool belt. The data enables influencer marketers to make smart, data-driven decisions while crafting their own standout campaigns. If Tikscore sounds like something up your alley and you’d like an internal tool for your brand to track similar data, our team of engineers can create a custom API for internal use.
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This article was written by Lauren Conklin

Want to run a TikTok influencer campaign, but not sure how? Get started with us today!

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