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Top 18 Fastest Growing Podcasts

By Editorial Staff

Podcasts are by no means a new phenomenon, but it’s only been in recent years that the podcast industry has really begun to thrive. In fact, Small Biz Genius claims that in 2006, just 22% of Americans knew what podcasting was, but today, 70% of U.S. adults are familiar with podcasts. In 2021, the podcast industry is flourishing as creators are posting their podcast episodes on popular streaming services such as Spotify and on YouTube to give their audiences a visual aid. As of March 2021, there are an estimated 1.95M podcasts out there and 47 million total episodes of podcasts online. To put this growth in perspective, Apple confirmed there were only 550K podcasts in June 2018. As podcasts continue to become more and more popular, some podcasts have gained success in a short period of time after their debut. Check out our list of the top 18 fastest growing podcasts on the podcast charts right now! 

1. Crime Junkie

  • True Crime
  • Hosts Ashley Flowers and Brit
  • 5.2M listeners


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If you’re interested in learning about new true crime stories and unsolved mysteries – you have to check out the Crime Junkie podcast from audiochuck. Soon after it first came out in 2017, it became one of the fastest growing podcasts online and garnered a huge fan base online. It has since remained at the top of the charts with over 500 million downloads.


  • Comedy
  • Hosts David Dobrik and Jason Nash
  • 1.3M listeners

Ever wondered what the life of a YouTube star is like? Listen to VIEWS! In this weekly podcast, you can hear YouTube stars David Dobrik and Jason Nash talk to you about the behind-the-scenes of their vlogs, discuss social media with their internet friends, and more. 

3. Office Ladies

  • Comedy and Entertainment
  • Hosts Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey
  • 1.3M listeners


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Two stars from the hit show The Office join forces on this hilarious podcast to break down episodes of the show. Plus, they give exclusive behind the scene stories that keep their listeners coming back for more. 

4. Today, Explained

  • News
  • Host Sean Rameswaram
  • 130K listeners

 Sometimes, the news can come at us so fast it’s hard to keep up. That’s why Vox is here to help! Today, Explained helps break down the news from Monday to Friday so it’s easy to understand. After first coming out, the podcast was gaining 4.5M unique listeners a month, making it one of the fastest growing podcasts. 

Speaking of news, read about the latest influencer marketing news that should be on your radar here.

5. Girl Trek’s Black History Boot Camp

  • History and wellness
  • Hosts Morgan Dixon and Vanessa Garrison
  • 177k Instagram followers


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Morgan and Vanessa use their podcast to celebrate Black stories of amazing women across time. Each episode is, as they say,  “a conversation on learning, living and elevating to our highest self with guidance from lessons of the past.” Starting with Audre Lorde, stopping by Sister Rosetta Tharpe, on to Gwendolyn Brooks and so many more.

6. Zane and Heath: Unfiltered

  • Comedy
  • Hosts Zane Hijazi and Heath Hussar
  • 875K subscribers on YouTube

Zane and Heath: Unfiltered is a weekly podcast hosted by YouTube sensations Zane and Heath, known for their popularity on the old app Vine and YouTube videos with friends like David Dobrik. By listening to their podcast, you can find some raw, uncut, and unfiltered interviews with top internet stars like Tana Mongeau, Stassie Karanikolaou, and Woah Vicky to discuss what goes down when their cameras aren’t rolling. 

7. The Viall Files

  • Love and Relationships
  • Host Nick Viall
  • 320K listeners


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Nick Viall has a lot of experience when it comes to dating. He’s a known member of Bachelor Nation, appearing twice on The Bachelor, The Bachelorette, and Bachelor in Paradise. While it seems like he hasn’t much luck, he likes to talk about relationships on his podcast by sitting down with guests and answering the questions of his listeners that call in.

8. Why Won’t You Date Me?

  • Comedy, Love, and Relationships
  • Host Nicole Byer
  • 230K listeners


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According to Top Podcast, Nicole Byer is single and has been for decades. Her only question is: why is she single? To answer this question, she started her podcast to talk to comedians, friends, and ex-flings to talk about all things dating, love, sex, and relationships. 

9. Call Her Daddy

  • Comedy, Relationships, and Sex
  • Host Alexandra Cooper
  • 2.9M listeners


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Follow along with Alexandra Cooper, the Daddy Gang, and stellar celebrity guests such as Miley Cyrus on the Call Her Daddy podcast! Coming from Barstool Sports, this podcast became an instant hit and its momentum doesn’t seem to be slowing down, making it one of the fastest growing podcasts. The host and her guests often discuss sex, culture, and more. 

10. And That’s Why We Drink

  • Paranormal and True Crime
  • Hosts Christine Schiefer and Em Schulz
  • 340K listeners


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In a crossroads where ghost stories and true crime meet, enter the And That’s Why We Drink podcast from Kast Media! Every Sunday, the hosts get together with their wine to tell some chilling paranormal stories and murder mysteries. As they say it themselves – the world’s a scary place, and that’s why we drink!

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11. The Bald and the Beautiful

  • Comedy
  • Hosts Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamolodchikova
  • 120K listeners


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The Bald and the Beautiful stars RuPaul’s Drag Race fan favorites Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamo as they discuss culture and beauty with a wide variety of guests who make up various facets of the beauty industry. From models, influencers, and drag queens to moguls and actors, Katya and Trixie don’t shy away from any of their interviews. 

12. Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend

  • Comedy
  • Host Conan O’Brien
  • 820K listeners


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According to Top Podcast, after 25 years at the Late Night desk, Conan realized that despite having thousands of interviews on his show, he’s never made a lasting friendship with any of his celebrity guests. Now, he’s started a podcast to change that. Trying to find some real friendship along the way, Conan has some megastars on the podcast, such as Shaquille O’Neal, Kenan Thompson, and Dave Grohl.

13. Parental Advisory

  • Personal Stories and Comedy
  • Hosts Jack Gilinsky, Jack Johnson, Sammy Wilk, and Brant Carter
  • 16.7K subscribers on YouTube

When internet stars Jack Gilinsky, Jack Johnson, and Sammy Wilk first rose to stardom back in the days of Magcon, they’ve been on a wild ride ever since. Now, they’ve started their podcast with their longtime friend Brant Carter to talk about all of their crazy experiences, unheard stories, and unfiltered moments. 

14. Cheers, Brother!

  • Comedy
  • Hosts Sarah Baska and Caitlyn Rae
  • 130K subscribers

Despite the fact that the podcast just launched in late January 2021, it has already made a name for itself on the podcast charts by becoming one of the fastest growing podcasts this year. In just a few short months, the podcast is already bringing in hundreds of thousands of listeners and subscribers on YouTube. Hosted by YouTube stars Sarah Baska and Caitlyn Rae, the podcast is all about surviving your 20s and having fun along the way. 

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15. Myths and Legends

  • Arts
  • Host Jason Weiser
  • 400K listeners

In this podcast all about myths, legends, and folklore, host Jason Weiser tells stories that have shaped cultures and civilizations throughout history. From the real stories of Aladdin to Hercules and King Arthur, you’ll soon find out that all the stories you thought you know are actually a lot more surprising than you think.

16. H3 Podcast

  • Comedy
  • Hosts Ethan and Hila Klein and Trisha Paytas
  • 2.6M subscribers on YouTube


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The H3 Podcast is hosted by Ethan and Hila Klein, a hilarious husband and wife duo that talk about internet culture, film their reactions to popular videos, and put out their own satirical, sketch comedy. On their YouTube channel, you can also find the Frenemies podcast that is hosted by Ethan and fellow YouTuber Trisha Paytas. Frenemies has quickly gained internet popularity, frequently going viral on TikTok and earning more than 1M views per podcast video on YouTube, making it one of the fastest growing podcasts this year.   

17. Chatty Broads with Bekah and Jess

  • Comedy
  • Hosts Bekah Martinez and Jess Ambrose
  • 390K listeners

If you’re a fan of The Bachelor, then you might recognize Bekah Martinez from Arie’s season. To host this podcast, she’s joined forces with friend Jess Ambrose to hold nothing back. They talk about everything – the good, the bad, the ugly, and the uncomfortable. Topics on the podcast usually include Bachelor(ette) recaps, sex, spirituality, motherhood, and more.

18. Good For You

  • Comedy
  • Host Whitney Cummings
  • 110K listeners

Join comedian Whitney Cummings as she interviews friends, comics, celebrities, and experts every week about a wide variety of interesting topics. Known for her standup comedy specials on HBO and Netflix, this podcast is guaranteed to make you laugh. 

Check out some of the other fastest growing podcasts that didn’t make the list:

PoliticologyRon SteslowPolitics280K
Love LettersMeredith GoldsteinLove and Relationships20K
Hey Babe!Sal Vulcano and Chris DistefanoComedy44K

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This article was written by Selena Ponton

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