
Heart, Collect, and Share: Breaking Down the We Heart It App

By Editorial Staff

Described as “A home for your inspiration”, the We Heart It app is the number one place for internet users to organize and share the things they love. Not only can they collect their favorite photos to share with their friends, but they can also organize the content into collections for mood boards and more!

Since We Heart It launched, it has brought in over 45M users worldwide and gained 10M+ installs on the Google Play Store. Whether you use the We Heart It for your Tumblr, your phone wallpapers, or for your Spotify playlist covers, there are so many ways to make use of the app and flex your creativity! If you’re eager to learn more about We Heart It, we’ll break down everything you need to know about interacting with the app.

What is We Heart It?

We Heart It is a vast, image-based social network where users can search, discover, and share inspiration from all over the world. On this app, your profile is called your “Canvas” as a way to encourage your expression.  It’s a highly visual platform that allows users to scroll through countless still images, animated GIFs, and videos. On Pinterest, We Heart It has grown to become the second largest account with 11.6M followers and their momentum shows no sign of stopping as they gain more fans every day! We Heart It also offers an engaging mobile app experience on iOS and Android devices. The platform includes curated content from the We Heart It editorial team, and extends sponsored podcasts from Player FM. 

In terms of demographics, We Heart It is primarily used by teenage-aged girls and young adults, ranging in age from 15-24-years-old. Of this, the majority (80-90%) use We Heart It via the app on their mobile phone. 

We Heart It’s Top Features

We Heart It’s boards are a stunning combination of aesthetic home decor, fashion, and beauty-related photos, alongside motivational quotes that spark inspiration. By creating collections on the app, users can heart images and organize them in groups however they like. Whenever a user hearts or uploads a photo, they can add the image to a collection, multiple collections, or create a new one. Besides curating their own content, users on We Heart It can also follow and share images with people that inspire them. This is a great way for users on the app to customize their following feed by following collections.

we heart it homepage

An attractive feed is important on any visual platform. Check out this blog for tips on how to make your Instagram feed more cohesive.

Other than collections, users can also read and share articles on We Heart It. This feature was released in 2017 to allow the community to share poems, recipes, opinion pieces, creative ideas, and advice. This way, users can express themselves beyond photos in their collections. Users on the website and the app post about a variety of topics, such as:

  • Fashion
  • Beauty
  • Travel
  • Nature
  • Books/Poetry
  • Fiction
  • Movies
  • Music
  • Food
  • Relationships

Looking to run an epic influencer marketing campaign on We Heart It? NeoReach has the best experience in creating viral campaigns that convert on social media. Sign up here! 

You can also find inspiration on channels that have curated blog posts and images under a specific category, which makes it a lot easier to find an endless stream of the content you’re interested in. You can find popular channel topics such as:

  1. Anime
  2. Art
  3. Vintage
  4. College
  5. DIY
  6. Photography
  7. Fitness
  8. Gaming
  9. Home
  10. Sports

If you’re into listening to podcasts, you can find a huge library of podcasts on the app. There are topics on almost everything you can think of, including pet-focused podcasts and podcasts for those who practice yoga. Since We Heart It is so media-focused, introducing podcasts onto the site gave users another outlet to find content they love through another medium. Some popular podcasts on the site include: 

  • Daily Boost | Daily Coaching and Motivation
  • The School of Greatness
  • Happier with Gretchen Rubin
  • Anna Faris is Unqualified
  • Where Should We Begin? With Esther Perel
  • Dear Sugars
  • Good Life Project
  • Something You Should Know
  • Gastropod
  • Afford Anything

PlayerFM podcasts

As a user on the site, you can find images in a multitude of ways. First, there’s your feed on the Home tab. This is where all the content from the other users you follow will appear. Secondly, there’s the Discover tab. The Discover tab organizes content into “The Latest” and “Popular Images”. Usually, “The Latest” shows articles that are trending by TeamWeHeartIt. These articles usually receive thousands of views and hearts. As for “Popular Images”, this area puts together all of the trending images on the app in six different tabs to organize them chronologically: right now, yesterday, last week, last month, last year, and the “pick date” option. 

User Culture

One of the many reasons that fans of We Heart It use the app is because of the positive, empowering, and uplifting community. For many people, they’ve described the site as a safe place where they can come and heart photos they enjoy, almost as if they put together a scrapbook. Another way that the app makes its users feel safe is through the omittance of comments. This way, commenters cannot receive negative comments on the photos they share, making the site and app much more enjoyable and fun to come back to.

we heart it popular posts

 In 2015, We Heart It launched a “Heartist” program to award its top users. These ‘Heartists’ are leaders in the We Heart It community, hearting thousands of pieces of content, putting together countless collections, making posts, and following other creatives on the app. These creators are known to inspire other users on We Heart It and typically gain hundreds of thousands of followers. Those in the program are a selection of the most engaged users every year, and they proudly show off their pink star badges next to their profile pictures. 

Want to work with top verified influencers on any app? Check out this blog for the biggest names on TikTok, and find other influencer top lists here.

How to Utilize We Heart It

If visuals and images are a large part of your social media strategy, We Heart It can be a valuable social network to look into in order to connect to a Gen Z audience.

 For influencers, creating a We Heart It page is another great way to connect with your followers. You can add a We Heart It widget to your blog or website to optimize the app and allow your followers to find your Canvas easily.
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This article was written by Selena Ponton

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