TikTok as a New Platform for Social Media Marketing | NeoReach Blog

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TikTok as a New Platform for Social Media Marketing

By Editorial Staff


The online community developed a strong social media subculture within the internet space, paving the way to various types of platforms that allow people to share their content with all sorts of audiences. The simplest way to explain TikTok to those who still haven’t had any contact with the rising star of the social media industry is to say that it’s as if Instagram and Snapchat had a child that just graduated from college. It is a mobile app that allows users to share short video content with their followers. The audience can like, comment, or share posts, depending on the security measures that the author has set. With more than 500 million active users, TikTok is a significant player on the market, which is the reason why we are going to discuss its potential as a playing field for digital marketers.

The New Player on the Block, Call it TikTok

Taking into account statistics that show the domination of mobile devices in overall internet traffic share, it’s safe to assume that TikTok planned its funnel perfectly by focusing on mobile. Furthermore, recent studies show that video content is the most expected sort of media by the users and the most used content by digital marketers. As a mobile, video-focused social network, the Chinese platform clearly utilizes the most popular means of interaction with the online community. This is one of the main arguments that show the span of TikTok’s potential for marketers around the world.

Using a fast-growing mobile-oriented social media app that focuses on video in order to promote your brand is nothing less but a logical choice for any company that is looking to expand its reach and thus increase revenue. Furthermore, more than 66 percent of all active users belong to the generation of people that we can call millennials and generation Z. These two groups of people spend somewhere around 52 minutes each day watching short video posts on TikTok.

TikTok Demographics

Who Can Advertise on TikTok?

Brands that keep their eyes open for high-school and college students practically have access to hundreds of millions of potential consumers. Just think about running an Australian writing service and you wish to offer cheap dissertation writing services or some other type of college paper writing service. Distributing your ads on TikTok seems like a logical choice, based on the information we have seen earlier in the article.

However, does this mean that you should consider advertising only if you are promising the best essays to college students? It’s difficult to imagine that all of the younger users are scrolling through the sea of video content asking themselves “Who can write my essay for me?” The demographics show young people who are able to work, as well as high school generation, which means that the spectrum of interests is all but unlimited.

According to research, TikTok posts cover a vast array of niches; anything from clothing to lifestyle, travel, health, gym, and entertainment videos get millions of views on a daily basis. Since the platform still doesn’t provide you with tools to create a campaign on your own, you would have to go through influencers or publish your own content that would attract followers and build you a decent prospect pool. It’s important to keep in mind that younger generations prefer “real people” over celebrity influencers; therefore, teaming up with a regular user that publishes content close to your niche is the best chance to build up your brand. The difference between celebrity and “regular” influencers is that the audience puts more faith in people that they can relate to than the words of already industrialized people. Regular influencers won’t give you an enormous crowd in a short period of time, but it will bring the true believers in what you have to offer-which is what you actually want to achieve.

TikTok Influencers
Credit: Walk the Chat


It’s difficult to imagine TikTok shutting down Facebook any time soon, however, as a relatively young social network the Asian rookie has some advantages that allow faster growth rate. While social media pioneers had to go through setbacks and all sorts of feature and functionality changes, TikTok can use the best practices and simply apply them in order to improve user experience. Different security measures, privacy settings, and engaging features that this social app implemented from its inception was developed by social networks in the past. MySpace, Facebook, Instagram, and others had to go through a series of attempts and failures before finding out what works with their audience. With such an effective development advantage, optimal funnel, and your cleverly designed marketing campaign there is a world of possibilities waiting for you with TikTok. Don’t you agree?

Author’s Bio: Eugene Eaton is a blogger and a writer in the past, who now works in the best essay writing service called domywriting reviews. He spends the majority of the working time creating inspirational content and writes essays on different topics. Personally, he finds inspiration in music and people.
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This article was written by Eugene Eaton

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