Guide to All the Different Streaming Services Competing for Attention


Guide to All the Different Streaming Services Competing for Attention

By Editorial Staff

 If you’ve cut the cord on your cable lately, it’s probably because you’ve made an account on a few of the many streaming services out there. Nowadays, in the digital age of social media we’re living in, consumers’ TV-viewing habits have drastically changed, and cable/satellite services don’t hold as much power over our living rooms as they used to. Now that popular streaming services like Netflix and Hulu have entered the entertainment game, who needs cable when you can find everything you need online?

In fact, 60% of those that use both cable or satellite AND streaming services say they’re thinking of abandoning their cable/satellite in the next year. While streaming services are fairly new, so many of them are popping up on smart TVs around the nation that it’s getting hard to keep up. Don’t worry – we’re here to help break down everything you need to know about all the streaming services out there.

1. Netflix

 Netflix was the original when it came to streaming services and streaming your own television and film entertainment without a DVD rental. A play on words for the term “internet flicks”, Netflix quickly became a household name for its original programming. Now, Netflix has replaced their older catalog that has been reclaimed by Disney and NBC’s streaming services with fresh content that keeps their subscribers locked in. To get a Netflix account, the basic price is $8.99 and the standard price is $13.99. 

On Netflix, you’ll get Netflix Originals that you can’t find anywhere else, such as:

  • Cobra Kai
  • Bridgerton
  • Stranger Things


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2. Hulu

 If you still love traditional television, Hulu is the perfect mix of streaming service and next-day access to prime-time shows. Besides offering limited series, you can also add-on Live TV features to your Hulu plan in order to record shows and watch without a cable plan. Hulu offers a variety of subscription plans starting as low as $5.99.

Hulu is also home to unique originals and exclusive shows that aren’t streaming anywhere else, including:

  • The Handmaid’s Tale
  • Normal People
  • Little Fires Everywhere

Looking for more original content? Read about YouTube Shorts here, YouTube’s latest addition.

3. Amazon Prime Video

Amazon is quickly making a name for itself in the world of streaming services as they continue to release high-rated comedies and dramas to their growing subscriber base. Plus, Amazon simulcasts Thursday night football games, offers hit-new movies, and allows you to buy movies that you’d like to watch beyond renting. The price for an account is $9 per month or included with an Amazon Prime subscription ($119 per year). 

Similar to other streaming services on the list, Amazon Prime Video has released its own critically-acclaimed original shows. These include:

  • The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
  • Fleabag
  • The Boys

4. Disney Plus

Virtually every major Disney movie, animated or not, can be found on Disney+. That old Disney channel original movie you loved when you were 12? Yup – it’s on Disney+. Besides Disney-related content, the streaming service also offers content from brands such as Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar, and National Geographic. The cost for Disney+ is $6 per month, but is also available as a part of a bundle with Hulu and ESPN+ for $13 a month.


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 While you can find all the old Disney movies and shows you love on Disney+, the streaming service has also released multiple original series that have taken over the internet, such as:

  • The Mandalorian
  • WandaVision
  • High School Musical: The Musical: The Series

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5. Peacock

 If the name of this streaming service sounds familiar, you might be a fan of NBC! While the name is an homage to NBC’s peacock logo, you can find much more than just NBC content on this platform. Of course, there are the classic NBC primetime shows such as SNL and Law & Order, but there are also Comcast-owned networks such as E!, Bravo, and Oxygen. Overall, Peacock is often compared to Hulu in the way that they both aim to cater to those who love broadcast and cable networks. A basic version is free to anyone, but Peacock Premium with advertisements is $5 per month, and Ad-Free Peacock is $10 per month.

Here are some of the titles you can find on Peacock:

  • Everybody Hates Chris
  • Departure
  • The King of Queens

6. HBO Max

HBO used to get confusing with their different streaming services, but now they have combined HBO Go and HBO Max into one to make it easier! Serving up the full lineup of current and past HBO series, movies, and feature films – HBO Max is one of the most popular streaming services out there. It has thousands of hours of classic films, beloved television shows, and original projects such as the reboot of Gossip Girl. Due to the quality of HBO’s content, the cost of an account is $15 per month. 

Check out these incredible shows you can find on HBO Max:

  • The Sopranos
  • Friends
  • Game of Thrones

7. Apple TV+ 

Apple TV+ is one of the few major streaming services that is mainly focused on original content instead of providing a large, ever-changing library of older shows and movies. Instead, Apple is striving to build its own collection of impressive dramas and comedies. This way, Apple can avoid losing their catalog to networks creating their own streaming services. The cost of an account is $5 per month. 

The platform has signature series with high-profile actors, such as:

  • The Morning Show starring Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston
  • The Banker – a film by Samuel L. Jackson
  • Servant – a film by M. Night Shyamalan

Watched all this already? Check out this blog for some YouTube originals to watch.

8. Paramount+

This streaming service, formerly known as CBS All Access, gives next-day access to major shows, NFL games, and a live-feed to users’ local CBS stations. With the rebranding to Paramount+, the service has gained tons of library content from Paramount, MGM, and from cable networks such as MTV, Comedy Central, VH1, BET, Nickelodeon, and the Paramount Network cable channel. Paramount+ also plans on rebooting shows and filming reunions of fan-favorite shows from CBS. The cost is $5 per month with ads, or $10 per month with no ads.

Besides housing all things Star Trek, Paramount+ has a library featuring:

  • NCIS
  • Young Sheldon
  • The Equalizer


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9. Discovery+ 

Launched just this year, Discovery+ offers a ton of television programming from major networks other than Discovery, such as TLC, BBC, Food Network, HFTV, OWN, ID, Travel Channel, History, Animal Planet, A&E, Lifetime, the Cooking Channel, SYI, and Science. With such a large catalog, the shows are definitely there to binge. In fact, the platform says it has over 55,000 episodes of various shows, both old and new. The cost for an account is $5 per month with ads or $7 per month with no ads.

Want to know what you can find on Discovery+? Check these out:

  • 90-Day Fiancé
  • Dr. Pimple Popper
  • Property Brothers

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This article was written by Selena Ponton

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