Top 10 DIY Influencers | NeoReach | Influencer Marketing Platform

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Top 10 Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Influencers on Social Media

By Editorial Staff

At Neoreach, our goal is to make life easier by providing a simple, informational list of top influencers. These influencers use social media platforms to advertise products, philosophies, and even life skills. Their dedicated follower fan base and mentions from around the world landed these influencers on our Top 10 DIY list for this summer.

The concept of DIY gained momentum. DIY projects let the participants add personal touches to their works while also saving money in the process.

Using Neoreach, we compiled a top 10 DIY influencer list based on overall social performance data, earned media, and audience demographics.

Number 1: Joanna Gaines

Queen of DIY, and queen of the hit HGTV show Fixer Upper, Joanna Gaines was placed at the top of our list because of her outstanding TV show ratings, alongside her massive number of followers.

Thanks to her perky persona, old ranch style taste, and her envious relationship, no wonder she has a whopping 4.7 million combined followers on her Instagram and Facebook. Her viewers are mainly females (82%) between the ages of 17-34. Her Instagram has a high engagement rate of 36.2%, which is well above the average of the typical 2%-5% range.

Her new novel titled The Magnolia Story, written by her and her husband Chip pertains to everyone in some sort of way.

Number 2: Jamielyn Nye

Jamielyn Nye, Jamielyn Nye Top Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Influencers Data Card Appealing to mostly younger, married women who have children, Jamielyn Nye never fails to engage her rising 4.5 million followers that she has across all platforms.

Her ability to come up with new recipes, ways to entertain her kids (or yours), or simple tips, is why she has been recognized by numerous websites like Fox, The Huffington Post, and ABC.

Her unique thinking across all aspects of life is what made her claim her spot near the top of this list. Dominating in big cities such as New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Salt Lake City, Nye is spreading equally from coast to coast in the United States, not to mention her other followers in Canada and the UK.


Number 3: Holly Homer

Holly Homer, Holly Homer Top Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Influencers Data Card  With a little hard work, sweat, dedication, and 3.5 million social media followers anything is possible. Holly Homer is a hardworking mother homeschools her three boys. With 38% of her followers between the ages of 40-49, it is easy to connect no matter what platform.

Whether using Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, it is quite easy to find Holly. Her YouTube channel, which reaches out to over 2,000 people keeps her followers informed of the latest that this brilliant-minded individual has come up with.  And for those who are not on the Internet, one of her 2 books will have to suffice. Her latest newly released book is meant for a younger audience and shows different ways to perform cool science experiments.

Her popularity over the years has given her opportunities to speak at conferences across the United States. Aside from the United States, followers in Canada and the UK added Homer to her stride of fame as the third spot on this top ten list.

Number 4: Green Wedding Shoes

Green Wedding Shoes, Green Wedding Shoes Top Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Influencers Data Card  This company run by no other than Jen Campbell designed this DIY wedding page to be an inspiration to ditch the wedding planners and to plan everything yourself. She provides stunning advice on how to set up every bit of your special day from the invitations to the decorations, and even unique locations to capture the perfect moment that will forever be with you.

She also provides her 2 million Pinterest followers with fashion, beauty, and lifestyle hacks to make having fun, fun!  Much of this company’s followers fall between the ages of 30-34 and are 85% female. Jen keeps her half a million Instagram followers updated multiple times a day to spark interest in the minds of those who are intrigued by her sense of fall, vintage (but contemporary) tastes.

  Most – 95% – of her followers are married, while only 47% of her viewers have children.

Number 5: Will Taylor

Will Taylor, Will Taylor Top Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Influencers Data CardThe first male on our list has implanted his thoughts into the minds of the 2.7 million individuals who follow and keep up with his every idea on Pinterest. Will’s niche is his constant updates on his travel blog.

Will also keeps’ his fashion blog up to date to show off the latest trends. Not one of his followers will feel left out of that week’s “newest thing”.

Will has the same number of followers from the United States and the United Kingdom, while Canada comes in third of his list of viewers. He has more female viewers – 69% vs. 31%.

Number 6: Grace Bonney

  Grace’s colorful yet classy Instagram page with over nine hundred thousand followers portrays a sophisticated look, mixed with interesting informational pieces that help place her on this list.

Grace’s personal blog is filled with plenty of ideas that range from travel to life to business. These categories are helped with insight on how-to that makes for an easy message.

The United States dominates Grace’s viewers at 63%. Most of her followers are female, while 90% of them are married.


Number 7: Oh Happy Day

Oh Happy Day, Oh Happy Day Top Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Influencers Data Card

This DIY influencer is known for her fun and creative party favors that have the whole crowd wanting more. Everything from DIY pop-up cards, to number piñatas, are among the artist’s most popular.

Representing half of Oh Happy Day’s followers are 30-34-year olds with 91% of being female. Like all other DIY influencers, Oh Happy Day constantly must be turning out new ideas to keep her 1.5 million loyal fans by her side.

Her top reach is in heavily populated areas such as New York City, San Francisco, and London. Where the cost of living is high, so the cost-effective DIY hacks are right down their alley. So, keep in mind Oh Happy Day as you plan your next party!


Number 8: A Beautiful Mess

A Beautiful Mess, A Beautiful Mess Top Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Influencers Data CardWhat gives these creators a niche account is how they present food through blogs. These blogs consist of new foods one would never typically think to make. Click on their fun picture “cookbook” – shows the step-by-step process as well as the ingredients needed with their respective measurements.

Something that we have not seen on this blog are a lot are influencers with a dedicated YouTube fan base. Well, A Beautiful Mess, or @abeautifulmessblog as she is referred to, gives us just that.

Instead of an oversized collection of food recipes, they go with more of everyday life hack situations. A whopping 27.4 thousand followers watch her videos every day, and learn from one of the best!  A large percentage of their viewers comes from married, women ages 20-34.

Number 9: Bob Vila

Bob Vila, Bob Vila Top Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Influencers Data Card Like many influencers on this list, food, arts and crafts have dominated the field for which these blogs have been written about. Well not anymore, Bob introduces us to easy DIY projects for home repair and renovation. You can find just about anything on his blog from finding out what flowers attract bees to your garden, to learning how to decode a washing tag.

It is obvious that with his impressive 1.1 million Twitter followers; it is no secret that the tips he provides really work.

A massive follower list comes from Brazil, while the overwhelming majority still comes from the United States. The viewers are split almost evenly – 52% male v. 48% female. 


Number 10: Remodelaholic

Remodelaholic, Remodelaholic Top Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Influencers Data Card This dynamic duo of husband and wife uses Facebook, alongside their blog, to advertise their home and food ideas. With over 500,000 likes on Facebook, their trendy outdoor designs rule over Facebook, having everyone in awe.

This channel is meant to help people with the task of making their homes better by adding personal touches for a cost-effective way of personalization.

Aside from house improvements, food recipes are on the come up for this couple, who try their best to improve their blog by adding delicious foods all the time.


This article was written by Editorial Staff

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